The Sixth Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association 2004 (AsCA'04)

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Submission for Abstracts

AsCA'04 Abstract Submission Procedures


All abstracts are to be submitted as a Rich-Text Format (.rtf) document attachment to an e-mail sent to:

The abstract should be prepared based on the outline example available (html, pdf, doc or rtf).

The required abstract format is as follows:

1. The abstract, including title, authors and their affiliations, footnotes, references, diagrams, tables, equations, etc. must fit into a rectangle 150 mm wide by 247 mm high (this corresponds to 30 mm left and right and 15 mm top and bottom margins on a standard A4, 210 mm x 297 mm, page.

2. Arial 12 point font is to be used throughout.

3. The presenting author must be underlined. (IPC Chair has changed this term on 2004-Feb.-9. If anyone, who has already submitted abstract, want to change the order of the authors, please contact to IPC Chair.)

4. The title is in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS.

5. Affiliations are denoted by superscripted lower-case italicised letters.

6. The e-mail address of the presenting author is included in parentheses following the affiliations.

7. Footnotes and references in the text are given as numbers in square brackets.

8. Black and white graphics may be imported into the document, but the total size of the document should not exceed one megabyte (1Mb).


The e-mail text sent the abstract MUST contain the following information.

Contact details for the submitting author, including:

- name

- postal address

- telephone number

- facsimile number

- e-mail address

- Can the e-mail address be provided to the IUCr Office?  YES/NO

- Are you applying for a Young Scientist Scholarship?  YES/NO

Details of the attached computer file containing the abstract:

- name of the abstract file and the format e.g. Bloogs_Joe.rtf

- computer editor and version number that created the file

Preferred presentation mode:

-          oral or poster

Which MS(Mycro-Symposium) do you prefer for your oral presentation?

Write MS-No.: MS-

- poster only

Topic Category of scientific paper

- Topic category for presentation (see below)

1                     Physics

2                     Chemistry

3                     Mineralogy

4                     Biology

5                     Materials Science

6                     Simulation

7                     Theory

8                     Others

Please download the files below in regard to abstract submission guidelines:

Abstract example

Submitted abstracts